A chitenge is the most useful thing ever. It is a large, thin rectangular piece of “wax print” fabric with a bright and colourful design on it. It has so many purposes and I am so attached to mine that I can no longer fathom life without it. It’s like the grown up equivalent of a blankey! Here are some of its uses I have found:

> To sit on when there are dusty / dirty surfaces
> To carry babies and small children in
> To wrap around your waist and fashion into a long skirt when cooking, cleaning or needing to cover up
> Or to double up as a towel after washing or wrap your hair in
> To make a den when playing with kids
> To use as a blanket on the sofa
> To take it to the tailor to get clothes made, choosing your own design, be it a skirt, shirt, top or dress
> As an ironing board!
> To give a special Mother’s Day one to your mum on Mother’s Day as a token of your appreciation